For the Bush White House, the trial of Saddam Hussein can't start soon enough. The Bush team is eager to steer the focus of the world's media away from the ongoing disaster of the Iraq war to the crimes of Saddam.
Given that the Iraq war has been an unmitigated catastrophe, the Saddam trial is the final fig leaf the Bush White House can use to try to justify the whole god-awful mess. And what better way to expose to the world the crimes of Saddam than a high-profile trial that'll be broadcast around the world?
The Bush White House is eager for the world to know all the details of Saddam's crimes over the years. But the Bush people ought to be careful what they wish for.
For a start, if Saddam receives anything remotely resembling a fair trial, then the world will not only learn about the dictator's crimes, it'll also learn the deep, dark secrets about America's relationship with Saddam over the years.
It's clear that Saddam was an evil dictator. However, I've long believed that the U.S. really doesn't have a moral leg to stand on when it criticizes Saddam's crimes. After all, two decades ago, when Saddam was at the zenith of his power and was committing his worst atrocities, the U.S. was funding and supporting him.
The U.S., in fact, had a cozy relationship with Saddam that lasted for decades. How many Americans are aware that, in 1959, the CIA hired the then-22-year-old Saddam to carry out a plot to assassinate the Iraqi prime minister, General Abd al-Karim Qasim? (Saddam's assassination attempt failed when he fired too soon and he only wound up killing Qasim's driver).
Bush has long condemned Saddam for crimes such as gassing the Kurds in the town of Halabjah in 1988. But how many Americans know that the U.S. in fact sold materials to Saddam for creating biological and chemical weapons in the 1980s?
As Craig Unger reported in his 2004 book, House of Bush, House of Saud,:
"Beginning in 1984, the Centers for Disease Control began providing Saddam's Iraq with biological materials--including viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, fungi, and even tissue that was infected with bubonic plague."
Unger notes that the latter exchange may have been initiated in the spirit of an "innocent" transfer of scientific information. But as he points out: "It is not difficult to argue against giving bubonic-plague-infected tissues to Saddam Hussein."
Unger quotes former Senate investigator James Tuite: "We were freely exchanging pathogenic materials with a country that we knew had an active biological warfare program."
The fact is that Saddam was a monster---but he was a Frankenstein of America's own making. I'd suspect that if Saddam's trial truly delves into the truth of Saddam's crimes, there will be quite a few nasty, embarrassing episodes involving the U.S. that will come to light.
In short, before the U.S. gets on its high horse in condemning Saddam for crimes like torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, we need to remember that we tortured people there, too. The problem is the U.S. spends too much time pointing the finger at the crimes of other nations and not enough time reflecting on our own crimes.
I’m Shocked.
8 minutes ago
When, I wonder, will the U.S. hold trials for the leaders of Saudi Arabia? After all, they're guilty of massive crimes: torture, beheadings, brutal crackdowns, repression of women, etc. Charging leaders with human rights violations in the Middle East is like handing out speeding tickets at Indy.
Libs are never satisfied. Pres. Bush said that we would bring democracy to Iraq and we have. Now Saddam is facing a trial for his crimes. Peace and freedom is on the march through out the Arab world. And yet libs are still attacking our President. It is treason to attack our President when our troops are in harms' way.
It's treason to criticize those that question our Government and it's officials.
lets send all the liberals to france
Foreign countries (and their leaders) are SOVEREIGN. Do you dumb***es know what that word means? Forget Liberal and Republican. How about international law?? How about an unjustified invasion and government REPLACEMENT?? Iraq is a pitiful mess in its current state of "Democracy." The people are far WORSE off now than ever before. We invaded Iraq to steal their oil...plain and simple. Golly Gee, why don;t we bring Democracy to **AFRICA**, with all of its suffering people?? DUH!!! Becausw Africa has no natural resources to steal. COME ON!! USE YOUR BRAINS!!
Why don't we bring democracy to america? After all we have a dictator as our current president. Bush is a pathetic war criminal and a pile of human crap. This man needs to be dropped from a helicopter over bagdad so that the iraquis can saw his head off after they try him for war crimes. He should be tried right along side saddamn hussein.
The reason people think America is not doing what it is doing in Iraq in Africa is because it is not published. Over 4 million people have died in a US supported war in the congo. Most of the economies of Africa have been compromised to allow multi-national (mainly American) companies to have a free playing hand. African is worst off compared to the middle east. The difference is that the people in the middle east know what is been done to them, but most Africans cannot work it out
"Pres. Bush said that we would bring democracy to Iraq and we have. Now Saddam is facing a trial for his crimes. Peace and freedom is on the march through out the Arab world."
what drivel is this? Elections and occupation or Saddam and peace, you choose.
"Peace and freedom is on the march through out the Arab world."
Don't make me laugh please.
Saddam is a bad bad bad man. Under his rule, innocent people have died. Men and women were tortured and raped, often till death. Fear and murder were used as tools of control. Saddam deserves what he is getting.
Under GW Bush's leadership, innocent civilian citizens of a foreign country have died. Collateral damage, caught in a crossfire, or killed in bombing raids. Iraqi citizens have been raped, and tortured to death. Men, women, and children. So our reasons for going were so noble, yet misguided, but are we any better than Saddam? Can we claim that we care for the iraqi people? Their lives, their rights, and their freedom? All 3 we have trampled over in pursuit of American powers manifest. Who can honestly say we are right and innocent of wrongs? Good intentions pave the way to hell, but our actions over our intentions are taking us there in a handbasket. What are we to do? Like it or lump it? We are doing wrong and our sons are dying everyday to support a plan that wasn't even good enough to be called half-baked. We can't leave, and we owe the Iraqis a real and trur resolution with happy ending. But what of the evils done in our names?
Remember the French Revolution. We the People of the Unites States of America, reserve the right to make heads roll. Thats what we need to get done. Or we need to stop pretending to be a country that has any balls, and resign ourselves to our role as continental bullies.
it is not treason to criticize those that question our Government and it's officials. you are a patriot and a thinker to keep people honest.only fools and
idiots dont ask qestions.
I'm writing from Africa as an African and trust me I have never seen such a hoodwinked population as the American people. All you worry about is if your gas is cheap and your cable TV is connected. Your sons and daughters are dying for nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing. You have a debt that you can't hope to pay back and you are printing dollars like there is no tomorrow driving your inflation. You are out sourcing all your production to Asia and other regions. So wake up and smell the frigin coffee or better still chew on the bitter grinds. Africanly yours.
Spelling error, grounds not grinds incase you think us Africans don't get it.
Africa again!
Donald Rumsfeld delivered the biological pathogens himself to Saddam. The bush cartel from the time of the CIA to the presidency has always supported covert and illegal operations with dictators. You just have to look at (grandad)Prescot Bush who aided Hitler and was convicted under the aiding the enemy act and lost some of his assets. Now who the hell can trust the Bush cabal!!!
the American people have been hood winked. Our governemnt has committed more atrocities in the name of God and democracy then Hussein has ever dreamed of. One can just watch the History Channel, how we celebrate our CIA overthrwoing elected governments. Our flag is nothing more then a corporate logo.
shades of 1932-1945 LOOK AROUND sheepal.
It's difficult to believe the lies & deceptions that have been uncovered & the horrific condition our country is in, there are still people stupid enough to defend Bush. Realize your mistake in supporting him in the beginning, admit it. Even though there is little we can do to remedy this mess, at least be aware.
Bush is our savior!
Bush will protect us from evil and terrorists!
Bush will spread freedom and democracy!
Bush, our compassionate leader, cares about our welfare!
Bush is the voice of God!
God bless Bush!
Liberals are unpatriotic demons!
Bush is our savior!
Bush will protect us from evil and terrorists!
Bush will spread freedom and democracy!
Bush, our compassionate leader, cares about our welfare!
Bush is the voice of God!
God bless Bush!
Liberals are unpatriotic demons!
saying bush is our savior.....hmmmm. bush can burn in hell along with everyone in the whitehouse you dingleberry. along with your sorry azz.
go to google and type in "crime families" and look a few lines down.
Regarding the "bush is holy" comment, all I can say is "if it writes like a moron, thinks like a moron, it's a moron." It in reference is deliberate.
Doesn't anyone pay attention anymore? Our Forefathers left us a Republic. We are not a democracy. Remember the Pledge of Allegiance? And to the Republic for which it stands?? Should give all a clue to Bush, Republican president pushing for Democracy. People, WAKE UP!!!
My understanding is that when Saddam was gassing the Kurds, our Air Force was supporting attacks against them by the Turks from a Turkish/American airbase. Why not ask George Senior about that and also how many paychecks he signed for Noreiga while Bush was Director of CIA. The Bush family (along with the Clintons)has been accused of extensive drug smuggling (read Terry Reed's book COMPROMISED). Isn't it just possible that Noreiga's capture and incarceration was meant to keep the lid on that story?
Like it or not, Saddam Hussein IS the President of Iraq, with immunity due to him as Head of State (incidentially, the same immunity President Bush will need in years to come when his crimes against humanity are revealed to the world in full). I am not a fan of Saddam however I do believe that we either respect the rule of law or we believe in anarchy and as it is reasonable to assume that most of us, me included do not believe in anarchy, we must insist upon the the implementation of the rule of law, whether it be U.S., Iraqi or International law.
Arrest those who broke and continue to break international law.
The time for men and wemon of goodwill, with the power to make a difference is now.
It saddens me to see Americans saying to question the president is treason. If we didn't question the president and our government, they would not be held accountable for their actions. That is what our constitution is about. If we don't have the power to question, and also to cast votes to have our say, then our founding fathers and all those who died for this country died for nothing. Not that voting seems to count anymore. As a resident of Ohio, the 2004 election was just as screwed up and "fixed" as the 2000 election, but I digress....
What I wanted to point out was that another reason we invaded Iraq was not purely the oil, but that Iraq had oil contracts with Russia and China that they had promised to pay in Euros...not dollars. Our American dollar is incredibly weak against the Euro, and the first thing Bush did after invading was to cancel those contracts...remember? Watch out Iran, you're next, because they are signing the same kind of contracts now with Russia and China, paid for in Euros. So it is about MONEY and OIL!!!
Sorry this is so long, but one more comment. Bush is as Christian as O.J. is white. Bush is "pimping" God, and blind people are buying his lines of crap. As his actions speak, and as a member of the "skull and bones" society, he is more looking toward world domination, fulfilling the illumintae plan for the New World Order, and ultimately helping to usher in the Antichrist--read your bible folks, it IS in there!!! So yes, God should bless Bush, because ultimately, he's gonna need it!
I can't believe that Republicans-who are supposed to be wary of big government in the first place-are kissing Bush ass! They think they must be in lock-step with whatever he says! Since when is unquestioning loyalty and devotion a component of a true democracy?Just look at everything Bush has done! He wants to disband the possee law-give government MORE control-ultimately put us under martial law! He is no Christian and no Patriot-and no GOOD REPUBLICAN!
When Bill Clinton was being raked over the coals, {unjustly, I think} over a personal matter, no one accused the rabid republicans of treason. Maybe they should have been. It kills me to see the bush supporters laugh like hyenas when they are confronted with a question they have no answer for. They seem to think their faults are funny. "youthful indescritions".
Fantastic article about how the media coddles this crook, and traitor; Bush!!
He should be impeached, tried as a triator, lined against a wall, and shot!
Bill Moore
rohnert park ca
Fantastic article about how the media coddles this crook, and traitor; Bush!!
He should be impeached, tried as a triator, lined against a wall, and shot!
Bill Moore
rohnert park ca
Fantastic article about how the media coddles this crook, and traitor; Bush!!
He should be impeached, tried as a triator, lined against a wall, and shot!
Bill Moore
rohnert park ca
The only people blathering about "Feedom is on the march" or other Bush lies, are people who have obviosly " NEVER SEEN THIER FRIENDS TURNED INTO STRAWBERRY JAM"!
The ones insisting on war and mouthing the most crap are all "daddies little boys, like bush!!
They havn't a clue as to real patriots!
All the crap about bringing democracy to Iraq is a lie, a cover by the Neo-cons to try to fool the world into thinking they have nothing but good intentions and have rescued Iraq. Anybody with a brain has to know it's about oil, greed and politics, period! These guys have no honor or compassion. Saddam is a "pussy cat" compared to these thugs. Yes, some Americans are hoodwinked, but most of us know better as our own democracy is being reduced to a 3rd world country. We are being suppressed by the most evil administration of our time. If we don't find some way of getting these jerks out of power it will only get worse. I am 65 years old and never have I heard leaders of my country give in to the idea of a nuke attack in the USA, " not if but when"! Don't accept that, anywhere! If you are negative... that's all you'll get. Speak out people!!! Write letters, call and Email your Congress, Senators and the Media. let them all know we are not "Sheeple"! We are sick of senseless wars and do not buy into the Bush administration's stupidity!! Let them know that if they support these neo-con hypocrites you will not vote or do business with them! We are not as helpless or hopeless as we feel today. Put on the pressure!!
Personally for someone living in Africa, I think your best chance to fry the S.O.B called bush is through the CIA leak probe. You have the bastards by the short and curlies. SO IMPEACH THEM FOR GOD'S SAKE !!!!
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