From the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON — The Associated Press is uncalling the Minnesota Senate race.
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman finished ahead of Democrat Al Franken early Wednesday in the final vote count, but his 571-vote margin falls within the state's mandatory recount law. That law requires a recount any time the margin between the top two candidates is less than one-half of one percent.
The AP called the race prematurely.
Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie said the recount won’t begin until mid-November at the earliest and will probably stretch into December. It will involve local election officials from around the state.
In this video, Franken makes a strong case for his campaign, as well as what the Democratic Party stands for. Franken's arguments are so compelling that I really have to wonder: who the f*ck ARE these morons who vote GOP these days?
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1 hour ago
By your logic, who on earth would vote for people like Sarah Palin?
There are some crazy nutcases out there.
By his logic it's apparently not insane to vote for Obama, or Franken. That in itself is laughable. Get over yourselves, liberals and conservatives are just corrupt politicians in the end.
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