Yesterday, I was browsing a message board when I noticed that a lot of the wingnut participants were abuzz about a photo of President Obama at the G8 summit. At first glance, the photo appears to show Obama leering at the backside of a passing woman.
Immediately, I suspected there was more to the story. And one thing was definitely clear: I knew this photo must be the featured item at the Drudge Report. Any time the wingnuts are abuzz about the latest supposed Democratic "outrage" you can be sure where the story is generating buzz: Drudge, the online sewer pit that spews GOP lies and propaganda 24/7.
And, (as is the case with so much of what Drudge peddles as "news") it turns out this "story" is complete and utter bullsh*t. If you look at the video of the incident, as opposed to the misleading single photo Drudge peddled, it's clear that Obama wasn't leering at the woman at all. Instead, he's briefly glancing down at the steps, watching his footing, at he assists another woman who is descending the steps. To view the video, go here.
Although this "Obama-Leering-At-A-Woman's-Butt" photo has been debunked by ABC News, among others, Drudge continues to peddle this bullsh*t. As of 2:20 a.m. July 11, the misleading photo was still prominently featured as the lead "news item" at the top of the Drudge Report site, with accompanying news stories that offered sensational angles like "She's young enough to be his daughter." True, eventually, a small text link appeared with the headline: "ABCNEWS: No he didn't ..."
No doubt, all of Drudge's millions of visitors saw the prominent photo. It's unclear how many bothered to click the ABC story, which eventually appeared and which debunked this news "story."
And once again, Drudge has revealed himself to be a right-wing-propaganda-peddling, sack-of-shit liar.
Day after day (like right-wing talk radio), Drudge spews out the latest GOP talking points and propaganda. He is truly a sick, detestable, and evil man. If there is a God, then someday, people like him will roast in the flames of the deepest depths of hell.
Incidentally, the reason I despise people like Drudge has nothing to do with his wingnut, Bush-supporting, GOP politics. Instead, it everything to do with the fact that Drudge, like Limbaugh, is a fucking liar.
Trump's DOJ Is Paving The Way For Corruption
1 hour ago
During the 2004 campaign, Drudge also posted that faked photo of John Kerry and Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally. Drudge was pushing that fake story of Kerry having an affair with an intern. In short, Drudge is indeed a lying liar propagandist in the tradition of Joe McCarthy. He used to have a weekend radio show on that filthy right wing WABC 770, also home to Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, ad nauseam. Strangely, Drudge and Lynn Samuels, (a former WABC 770 host), are buddies or at least they used to be. Lynn is supposed to be a liberal but she supported Pat Buchanan's presidency because he was against the Iraq war, sort of. She actually does hold many good liberal views but giving a pass to Drudge is insane.
During the 2004 campaign, Drudge also posted that faked photo of John Kerry and Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally. Drudge was pushing that fake story of Kerry having an affair with an intern. In short, Drudge is indeed a lying liar propagandist in the tradition of Joe McCarthy. He used to have a weekend radio show on that filthy right wing WABC 770, also home to Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, ad nauseam. Strangely, Drudge and Lynn Samuels, (a former WABC 770 host), are buddies or at least they used to be. Lynn is supposed to be a liberal but she supported Pat Buchanan's presidency because he was against the Iraq war, sort of. She actually does hold many good liberal views but giving a pass to Drudge is insane.
Thanks for your comment, Anon.
Yes, I do remember when Drudge peddled that fake Kerry/Fonda photo. Disgusting and evil.
WABC sounds like our own local wingnut radio station: WBAP. It blasts out a steady stream of Rush/Hannity/Levin/Etc. 24 hours a day.
Whoops, I misspoke a tad. If memory serves me correctly, Lynn supported Buchanan in his 2000 bid for the presidency which was well before the Iraq war. He was running under the Reform Party banner and some of his stances coincided with a few liberal views by accident; but for pity's sake, Buchanan is a reactionary regressive corporatist. I was quite shocked at Lynn's support of Buchanan because Lynn was a very dependable liberal. Lynn briefly became the call screener for Drudge's radio show before she was fired from ABC. I guess when you swim in a sea of right winger barracudas you have to make some compromises. She had been reduced to one or two hours a week on ABC by that time.
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